American Elements – Advanced Materials in Industrial Bulk and Laboratory Quantities

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american elements manufactures advanced materials in industrial bulk and laboratory/research quantities. Their materials science research & development programs have been a key resource for corporate, government & academic new product development since 1990.

Devoted exclusively to manufacturing advanced materials in industrial bulk and laboratory/research amounts, american elements combines deep expertise in properties, applications, cost-effective production with global production facilities strategically spread throughout the world. Their broad product catalog includes the latest technological breakthroughs and materials essential for some of the most innovative industries around the world – including LED lighting, smartphones and electric cars.

In addition to their vast inventory, american elements produces a wide array of metals, compounds and crystalline structures in virtually every purity and physical morphology that nature and current technology commercially allow. These forms include: granules, disc, ingot, pellet, piece, powder, rod, sputtering target, wire and custom shapes.

High purity forms include: single and polycrystalline powders, macro and meso scale particles, submicron powders, sputtering targets and thin film deposition materials. These elements are also used in chemical vapor deposition (CVD and MOCVD) processes and as catalysts.

Americium is a relatively soft radioactive metal that is silvery in appearance and mainly found as 241Am and 243Am. It is widely used as a radioactive source in nuclear power plants. It is also a major constituent of the naturally occurring radionuclides Iodine and Uranium. It can be produced in a variety of forms and is readily available in most volumes.