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pure nickel powder is a highly versatile metal and has numerous uses. It is used to manufacture stainless steel, heat-resistant alloys, and magnetic metals. It is also a key component in the nickel battery industry.
It is often mined from nickel ore minerals, including laterite and magmatic sulfide ores. It is also found in natural deposits in the Earth’s crust, such as hydrothermal veins, and in meteorites.
Other sources of nickel include lava flows and sea nodules. These deposits contain high concentrations of nickel bound to iron.
The metal is also widely used as an alloy, particularly for non-ferrous applications. Examples of these alloys are copper-nickel, nickel-copper and nickel-chromium. These alloys are used in a variety of applications, such as marine equipment and inorganic acid and alkali handling equipment.
They are also used to make electrically conductive alloys, such as those used in the aerospace industry. Other uses for nickel include coating, batteries, and electroless plating.
These products are produced by a number of different processes and the process chosen depends on particle size, morphology, and tolerances needed. For very small particles, laser diffraction and light scattering techniques are commonly employed.
In addition, a method known as the Mond process is used to produce nickel powders with controlled morphology and tolerances. This process involves solid nickel reacting with carbon monoxide to form a metal-carbonyl complex. The complex is then decomposed by heating, producing nickel metal and carbon monoxide gas.
Alternatively, the process can be performed by chemical or thermal shock. This is a very common method of manufacturing nickel powders and produces a fine, extra-fine nickel powder. This is often a preferred method of producing nickel powders for many applications because it is easy to control the particle size and morphology.